Global Sourcing & Procurement Outsourcing Service Center
In China

Export Business on Advanced Material & Precision Parts

Supplier Evaluation & Selection Decision & Smart Contracting

Suppliers must be selected in accordance with the TCO principle in order to achieve the strategic goals of the supplier structure.

As far as demand volumes or product lifecycles economically allow, at least three suppliers for product parts or materials must be equally qualified and ideally released before SOP.


Supplier CoQ Evaluation and Selection Decision Matrix

Use this supplier evaluation and selection matrix tool to establish a side by side comparison of potential vendor offerings [including prices, quality control system, technical & innovation potential, Lean Production,Business terms and conditions..].


 Making sound and documented procurements decisions in your project is crucial. Choosing the wrong supplier means poor quality, additional costs, cause delays, and even damage your company`s competitiveness. With this tool you can ensure best possible supplier selection decision to avoid such situations.


The Supplier Evaluation and Selection Decision Matrix Tool would lead to a Objective, fair and smart results which based on objectice information, not subjective results which based on personal preferences.


Smart Contracting

Based on the Results of Strategic Sourcing & Procurement Negotiation,Supplier CoQ Evaluation and Selection Decision Matrix, We would contract with the selected suppliers.

Smart Contracting means take all scenario into consideration to avoid Dispution, Disruption and Distractions.

There are somenecessary subagreement to the Master Agreement

Master/Corporate Agreement

Purchasing Conditions & Terms

DNA/Non-Disclosure Agreement

Project Placement Agreement

Synchronous Project Engineering Agreement

Technical Agreement 

Test Specifications

Price Agreement

Contract of Loan for Product Molds

QAA:Quality Assurance Agreement

Supply Chain Management Agreement

HSE Agreement


Supplier CoQ Evaluation and Selection Decision Matrix

Master/Corporate Agreement

Purchasing Conditions & Terms


Project Placement Agreement

Synchronous Project Engineering Agreement

Technical Agreement

Test Specifications

Contract of Loan for Product Molds

QAA:Quality Assurance Agreement

Supply Chain Management Agreement

HSE Agreement



The Supplier Evaluation and Selection Decision Matrix Tool would lead to a Objective, fair and SMART results which based on objectice information, not subjective results which based on personal preferences.


Smart Contracting Would Reduce Supply Risk Dramatically

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