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China Rare Earth Materials Technology Corporation launches R&D of nano-scale rare earth dysprosium oxide for MLCC Hay:A06GXGS

On October 22, 2021, the rare earth separation technology team of GXGS Rare Earth Technology Company visited FHGK, a global electronic component manufacturer, and conducted technical exchanges with the MLCC R&D team. The two parties decided to jointly launch the R&D technology of special performance rare earth oxides for high-end MLCC Tackling key problems.

GXGS lays out the research and development of special performance nano-level rare earth dysprosium oxide and other oxides, upgrades traditional rare earth oxides into high-end products, realizes quality and efficiency improvement, and will effectively help FHGK high-end MLCC product research and development, breaking the technology of foreign companies in this field monopoly.

GXGS has the world-class R&D level of rare earth oxides, and has the R&D strength to advance the production of rare earth special oxides used in high-end MLCCs. It is hoped that the two parties will cooperate closely and pool resources to achieve rapid breakthroughs in the research and development of special-performance rare earth oxides for high-end MLCCs, and mutual help and win-win.

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